Sunday, September 21, 2008

Yay for this past weekend!

It has been a while since I last blogged, but Jay and I have been so busy finalizing wedding stuff. We found a minister we liked. We picked music. People are RSVPing (as they should be - they're due back by 9/24!) We got some gifts for some people. We picked tuxes. We have some big appointments coming up - Flower Trial, Menu Picking, etc. I am so excited I could spit. 

The bridesmaid dresses NOR my dress are in yet. I am not worried, yet, as the stores they were purchased from are both very reputable. Plus, I ordered later than normal, so it really isn't the stores' faults. 

We also still have to do the tables, split the rooms, finalize the ceremony, figure out our paper stuffs. It is so stressful for one stinking day! And, the whole leaving the day after the wedding for our 8 hour flight to France - yea, whose friggin idea was THAT??? PLUS - we close on our new house the day BEFORE the wedding. And, when we get back from Paris, we are going to be moving in. So, from now until the middle of November I will be busy - don't ask me to do anything, LoL! And then, we have the holidays. So, better not ask me to do anything until next year. No, I am serious. 

Soooo, this past weekend was my Bridal Shower at Tavern 344. The food was delicious and the staff was great, as usual! ALSO, my Maid of Honor flew up from FL to surprise me (which I so was!!) So, that was great to have her there and be a part of it all! So many people came out to help me celebrate - it was so much fun!! Thanks so much to my mom, Kris, Jenn, Sue and Jess for putting everything together and making everything so great! Also, a patron of Tavern 344 made 2 cakes - and the were SO good and SO pretty. Once I gets pics I will post them. Of course, Jay and I got crazy nice and thoughtful gifts from everyone - my loved ones really went above and beyond for us. MWAH!

Saturday night we all went out to Greenhouse (as per usual.) It was fun to hang out with Kris and everyone! I am sad she had to leave so soon, but we will see her in a month! Of course, we did the late night diner thing - that's when food tastes the best! 

Sunday was football and Wendy's day! Yay for the NY Giants taking the game in OT. 3-0 this season so far - let's keep it up! 

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

WTF Wednesday!

Jay and I have gotten a lot of wedding stuff out of the way!! Invites went out (finally!) We mostly narrowed down our dance songs....I am kind of over it. I will dance to anything for our first dance at this point b/c I can't look at anymore songs. I met with our photographer. When I first booked, I met with the owner of the studio. He was nice, kind of crazy, but nice. So, he showed me his one photog's work and I loved it, so we booked. Well, I finally met her and I LOVE her. I cannot wait to work with her. She is funny and down-to-earth and so easy going. We attempted to make a card box, but we couldn't agree on how to make it, what frames to use, etc. So, we nixed that idea for now. I got the last word in and said, "FINE - I will just get a KNOTTIE to make it." That shut him up. I also ordered something super secret for Jay that I think he will get a kick out of. Email me if you want to know. It isn't really that exciting to anyone other 

Other than that, nothing much is happening. I still have to write the Twilight review. Oh, we started watching True Blood on HBO. It's another vampire show, but it isn't like other vampire stories. It is ok and has potential. I think I am kind of on the fence b/c the vampires are not hot! I am so shallow, I know. Don't judge. 

I really have nothing to say, LoL. I just feel bad if I don't write b/c I kind of made a pact with myself to write as much as possible. I will totally get my thoughts down for the Twilight review and that should fill my writing quota for a while ;) 

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Deeper than usual...Cryptic to a fault...

When do you stop living for everyone else and start living for yourself? Maybe that is the wrong question....

When do you stop letting the things others do and say affect you in a way that your whole world crumbles? When do you get back to you? HOW do you get back to you? 

It's not easy to find the balance b/t emotions. It is so much easier to be "all or nothing," but so much less healthy in the end. Things that happen to the people you love, things that the people you love do that are less than anything you would expect - all of these things are so draining - mentally, physically and emotionally. 

How do you get over disillusion and disappointment? Can you ever find your way back to the relationships you once had? Or, at the very least, start over - grow into new relationships with familiar people?

Just a question...

If I wanted to do your job, I would have applied for it...

Seriously, people. WTF do I look like? Ok, now that THAT is out of the way....

I finally finished the Twilight series. I tore through those books any chance I got. I really did not want to give into all the teeny-bopper hype, but the movie is coming out and I do love me some vampire love stories, so I gave in. I got sucked into these friggin books! The story as a whole brings out a lot of me (LOL!) So, it will have to be a blog for another day. But, in the end, I loved the books and I am crazy excited for the movie!! BTW, Twilight fans are rabid - for real. They stalk the actors of the movie, the author of the book. There is this message board called TwiMoms something-or-other. 25 + year old women and their fanatic crushes on a fictional character - you deal with that. 

Jay and I have been cooking nightly. I know you are probably thinking, "OK - so?" Well, let me explain - we don't cook. We eat out, or get take out, or have a bowl of cereal. But, we decided we should probably start cooking for a few reasons - 
1 - It is healthier. 
2 - It saves money. 
3 - If we ever want to have kids, they are going to want "real" meals like their friends get.
4 - It is a fun thing to do together. 
So, yea, we've been trying some stuff out. It IS fun. And, we get to goof off and make it a little competition, etc. I feel better, too, in general. Like a real life grown-up. 

Football starts tomorrow - er, correction, the GIANTS SEASON OPENER is tomorrow. That makes me smile. Also, my guilty pleasure TV shows are back on - 
-Gossip Girl - It was good. The show is just visually stimulating and fast-paced and has really great music. The acting is meh at best, but Blair & Chuck bring out the bitch and I can appreciate that. 
-One Tree Hill- So, I wasn't happy about a certain decision made by a certain character in the season premier, but whatevs. I can't have all television go my way. It looks like it will be a dark, kind of scary season this year. 
-90210- It is a VERY new take on a VERY classic show. The series premier was laughable, but of course I will continue to watch. I think they shoulda just brought all of the old 90210-ers back for like, "The Mid-Life Years," or something. And, wtf happened to Shannen Doherty's mouth? She has a gap in her front teeth - that's is all well and good, but it was never there before. WTF?

Oh, did you watch the Democratic Nat'l Convention? Admittedly, I only watched Barack's speech. If Jay wasn't yapping in the background, I would have been in tears. It was a great speech. 

Ok, I need to clean and put clothes away and then Jay and I are walking b/c it is too gorgeous outside to be in.