Wednesday, September 10, 2008

WTF Wednesday!

Jay and I have gotten a lot of wedding stuff out of the way!! Invites went out (finally!) We mostly narrowed down our dance songs....I am kind of over it. I will dance to anything for our first dance at this point b/c I can't look at anymore songs. I met with our photographer. When I first booked, I met with the owner of the studio. He was nice, kind of crazy, but nice. So, he showed me his one photog's work and I loved it, so we booked. Well, I finally met her and I LOVE her. I cannot wait to work with her. She is funny and down-to-earth and so easy going. We attempted to make a card box, but we couldn't agree on how to make it, what frames to use, etc. So, we nixed that idea for now. I got the last word in and said, "FINE - I will just get a KNOTTIE to make it." That shut him up. I also ordered something super secret for Jay that I think he will get a kick out of. Email me if you want to know. It isn't really that exciting to anyone other 

Other than that, nothing much is happening. I still have to write the Twilight review. Oh, we started watching True Blood on HBO. It's another vampire show, but it isn't like other vampire stories. It is ok and has potential. I think I am kind of on the fence b/c the vampires are not hot! I am so shallow, I know. Don't judge. 

I really have nothing to say, LoL. I just feel bad if I don't write b/c I kind of made a pact with myself to write as much as possible. I will totally get my thoughts down for the Twilight review and that should fill my writing quota for a while ;) 

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